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church covenant
God, by His grace alone, has led me to repent of my sin and believe upon Jesus Christ,
trusting Him alone as my Savior and Lord. As one who has been baptized as a believer in Christ,
I desire to unite with this church family.
Therefore, I enter into a covenantal relationship with the members of this church.
In humble reliance upon the Holy Spirit, I will strive to do the following:
Faithfully and regularly attend the services of the church.
Diligently guard the truth of Scripture by teaching sound doctrine and opposing false doctrine.
Wholeheartedly support, love, and care for the church's ministries and members, by
praying for others - giving financially - serving in ministry
Boldly witness for the Lord Jesus Christ, living a transformed life and sharing the gospel as God gives opportunity.
Actively pursue personal holiness before God, loving others as Christ has loved us.
Diligently promote the unity of the church, being a peacemaker with all in the body of Christ.
Respectfully follow the leaders of this church, trusting and supporting their leadership.
Acknowledge the church’s responsibility to discipline me when I am in unrepentant sin, and lovingly restoring others who become entangled in sin.
I will, when I move from this place, as soon as possible unite with some other church where I can carry out the spirit of this covenant and the principles of God’s Word.
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